Indian cricket team captain Rohit Sharma is reportedly on the verge of retiring from Test cricket, as per a report by Times of India. The announcement is expected to come after the conclusion of the ongoing five-match Test series against Australia. According to the report, the BCCI top officials and selectors have already been briefed about Rohit’s decision, making it highly unlikely for him to change his mind.
However, there remains a possibility that Rohit could extend his stay if India qualifies for the World Test Championship (WTC) Final. In such a scenario, the Indian skipper might try to convince the selectors to allow him to play one last match on the big stage.
The Current Series and Rohit's Challenges
Rohit’s struggles in the ongoing series against Australia have been a significant talking point. With just 31 runs in six innings across three Tests, his form has raised concerns among fans and cricket experts alike. Comparatively, Jasprit Bumrah’s 30-wicket haul in the series has overshadowed Rohit’s performance with the bat.
After the heavy 184-run defeat to Australia in the fourth Test, Rohit admitted to being “mentally disturbed” and acknowledged the need to address both personal and team issues. “A lot of things I am trying to do are not falling into place. It is disappointing, and mentally, it’s disturbing without a doubt,” he said during the post-match press conference.
Leadership and Legacy
As a captain, Rohit has been under immense scrutiny, especially with India's inconsistent performances in the Test format. While his leadership has delivered results in white-ball cricket, his red-ball journey has been turbulent. Fans and critics alike are now debating his legacy as a batter and captain.
If Sydney does indeed mark the end of Rohit’s Test career, he will undoubtedly leave behind a mixed legacy. While he has had moments of brilliance, his tenure has also been marked by struggles in overseas conditions. Nevertheless, his impact on Indian cricket remains undeniable.
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